Because this is a wonderful world full of assholes who never ever stop complaining.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

About Alcohol, It's Symptoms And Cures

Symptom: Feet are cold and wet.

Cause: You're holding the glass upside down.

Solution: Turn the glass in such a way that the hole is placed at the upper side.

Symptom: Feet warm and wet.

Cause: You've just peed on yourself.

Solution: Go get dry in the closest restroom available.

Symptom: There are strange lights all over the wall.

Cause: You've fallen on your back.

Solution: Relocate your body in an 91/4ยบ angle towards the floor.

Symptom: The floor's blurred.

Cause: You're looking through an empty glass.

Solution: Go get another drink.

Symptom: Everything tastes like ashes.

Cause: You're trying drink from an ashtray.

Solution: Spit it all and take that taste away with a gin tonic.

Symptom: The floor's moving.

Cause: Somebody is pulling you.

Solution: Ask them where are they taking you.

Symptom: You see many faces looking at you from the bottom of a white lake.

Cause: You're trying to puke in the toilet.

Solution: Place your finger in your throat.

Symptom: Strange echoes surround you.

Cause: You've got the glass in your ear.

Solution: Stop being silly.

Symptom:The club is trembling, everybody's wearing in white and music is too repetitive.

Cause: You're in an ambulance.

Solution: Do not move. Possible toxic shock.

Symptom: Your father looks weird and your siblings look at you with curiosity.

Cause: You've mistaken the house.

Solution: Ask them if they know where you live.

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