Because this is a wonderful world full of assholes who never ever stop complaining.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

the next is a poster that my former academic advisor at the UofM had in her office door:

21 Reasons For Voting Smart

1. Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25.
…Mary Aim Tebedo, Colorado StateRepresentative.

2. If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, then it’s good enough for me.

…an Arkansas congressman.

3. I don’t know anyone here that’s been killed by a handgun.

Louisiana representative Avery Alexander

4. There are still places where people think the function of the media is to provide information.

Dan Rottenberg, Whitehouse Spokesperson

5. I can't believe we are going to let a majority of people decide what's best for this state.

Louisiana Representative John Travis

6. Whaddaya mean nepotism? He's my brother!

Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo after he hired his brother as fire commissioner

7. Capital punishment is our society's recognition of the sanctity of human life.

…Utah Senator Orrin Hatch.

8. I'm glad I'm not Brezhnev. Being the Russian leader in the Kremlin, you never know if someone is recording what you say.

Richard Nixon, US President

9. I hope that history will present me with maybe two words. One is peace. The other is human rights"

…Jimmy Carter, another US President

10. We don't want to open a box of Pandoras

…Governor Bruce King (D-NM)

11. The streets are safe in Philadelphia, it's only the people who make them unsafe"

…Frank Rizzo, Mayor

12. If we don't watch our respective tails, the people are going to be running the government.

…State Sen Bill Cravens (R-Ca)

13. A zebra cannot change its spots.

…Al Gore, Bill Clinton Administration Vice President

14. I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law.

…David Dinkins - Mayor NYC

15. What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?

…Marion Barry - Mayor D.C.

16. Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances.

…Department of Social Services, Greenville, South Carolina

17. It's no exaggeration to say that the undecideds could go one way or another.

George Bush, US President

18. It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.

…Al Gore, Vice President

19. That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the one to do it.

…A congressional candidate in Texas.

21. Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

…Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC.

Missoula MT Is The Best Place In The World

Yeah... it probably is.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Peace Can't Be Reach If Noone Tries!!!

Definitely, I live in a country were people like conflicts.
It seems we cannot live without them.
Maybe without conflicts, Spain wouldn't be Spain.

It is so damn simple! peace won't be reach until both sides (the spanish and basque governments and ETA) show signs that prove that there is a real intention of opening a process of negotiation to end up the fucking conflict!

I'm so, so feed up of everything!

A month ago peace was announced but the situation is that:

- ETA keeps on attacking innocent citizens.
- Central Government doesn't really know what to do or say to keep society calmed about it.
- The basque president (Lehendakari Ibarretxe) is trying by all means to be a protagonist of an hypothetical peace process.
- The conservative party is trying to force the Central Government to abandon any attempt to definitely solve the fucking conflict. If the government succeed in that, they'll surely win the next elections... that would be good for the country but devastating for the conservatives.

PFFFFFFFF Why can't the damn spanish political parties show unity not even once? Just for the well being of the country they run!!

Unefficent, spanish politicians are simply unefficient. All of them. Damn it.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

People Who Abandon Dogs In The City Should Be Hung

Si vives en murcia o en algun pueblo cercano y estas interesado en adoptar un perro, contacta conmigo a través de ésta página.

There is a dog hanging around my house since last weekend. He is small, white, furry and absolutely sweet. He's extremely good, he's looking for someone and I think he believes he has found me. But I can't take care of him! I live in a house without garden, and I already have one dog I took from the street two years ago. Plus I don't think having a male and female dog at home at the same time is a good idea.

He's breaking my heart, sitting right in front of my door. Tomorrow I'll take him, I'll wash him, take him some photos and bring him to one of those places were dogs wait until they are adopted.

That's awful!! SHIT!

How can people abandon mascots? Mascots are not wild animals and most of them can't survive without humans!! FUCKING BASTARDS! If the dog has a chip in his ear with the information of his owner, I am gonna make him regret. I promise.

I hope that those places are not as bad as people say. I'm really afraid of the moment when I see it. I just hope there is enough space for the dogs to run and breath fresh air.

I'll make posters with the photos of the dog and hung them all over Murcia, and maybe someone will adopt him. If I left him in the street sooner or later the city's animal control service will catch him up and he'll be sacrificed. I hope I'm doing right.

Anyway it makes me feel like a piece of shit.

Is There A One True Love For Everybody?

Only one?
How can you know if you've already missed the chance, so?

I Change Prince Edward Island For... Scotia!! (aka Scotland, Alba)

La zorra dijo que las uvas estaban verdes cuando vio que no podía cogerlas.

May 17th. That day I'll take a plane that will bring me to Edinburgh. Then... well I still don't know where is Dollar (Dollar is the town's name), so have no idea about how will I reach there. Nevermind. The only thing is that things are going like they have to once again: travelling travelling travelling far far far.

So, now I have to fill my mp3 player with songs like flower of scotland, scotland the brave, scottish soldier, jacobetians by name and so and so forth. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha! I'm gonna listen to the real scottish bagpipes! And I'm gonna check out those scotchs too... :) Let us see how good they are at rowing. And let's see if I'm able to learn how to play gaelic football.

Also, I'll go south, to London, just to face The City. You don't know my recent past, but is somehow closely related to London, despite the fact that I've never been there. I don't know why but I just can't write about it. OH MY GOD!! I AM A COWARD WRITER!! But... if I am a coward writer it means that at least I am a writer. Ok, let's look at the bright side of it: I am a writer! OH MY GOD!! I AM A WRITER!!

I started writing about my trip to Alba and then I moved into music and sports and then I wrote about my pretension of becoming a writer. That's what I call neatness. DON'T LAUGH! I AM A NOT SO BAD WRITER WHEN WRITING IN MY OWN LANGUAGE, WHICH, BY THE WAY, IS NOT ENGLISH!! Damn you mum, you never taught me. We spent far too much time practicing basque and far too little practicing english.

Ain't it funny when you spend your time reading a lot of lines that say nothing at all?

I have to improve the quality of my posts.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I Follow A Healthy Diet Based On Vodka

I hope I'll be recovered when we back to normal training next Wednesday or the coach is going to kill me...

Springbreak is over. The day after tomorrow I'll be back to university routines. I've spent those last two weeks by the Mediterranean shore exploring human reactions towards massive alcohol ingest.

Here I show the results obtained last Tuesday:

TUESDAY, APRIL 18th OF 2006.

Subjects of the experiment:
Me and Pablo.
Location: La Manga Beach, Murcia, Spain.

10'30: A 2% milkshake with chocolate.
11'30: A few cheese and ham tapas and a couple of beers before going to the beach.
12'00: The weather is damn hot, so Pablo goes back home to get a few more beers.
14'00: Chips, one more beer, some cheddar cheese.
14'30: A few calamari and octopus tapas. Scrambled eggs with sausage. Two jars of sangría (spanish drink with wine and fruits) and beer.
15'30: Four vodka-lemon drinks. That's the critical point where I get drunk.
17'30: Some beach tennis. I just can't hit the ball. I probably eat tons of sand.
19'00: Two vodka-lemon more.
20'00: I just can't remember what the hell happened during that hour.
20'30: General Breakdown. I just go to bed till next day. I miss the Barcelona-Milan soccer game. Puke all over.

If you wanna watch a soccer game at 21'00, don't spend the former nine hours drinking alcohol.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I Wish I Knew The Meaning Of It (All)

Gij achtervolgster! :p

Those Jews Are Crazy...

Yedioth Aharonot, a mass-selling Israeli paper reported that new on Monday.

"A group of Jewish ultra-Orthodox hackers is waging a war against pornographic websites, replacing their content with nothing but the picture of a revered rabbi"
Instead of seeing images of sexy girls, anyone who logs onto the site encounters the stern look of the white-bearded Rabbi Menahem Mendel Schneerson, the late leader of the popular Jewish Lubavitch movement.

---I don't know anything about that lubavitch movement, but is this Menahem Mendel Schneerson sexy enough to appear in porn sites? Is he a kind of sexy stud rabbi?---

Hahahaha... ok, ok, that was an easy joke. What I want to express is that those religious fanatics really worries me. Imaging that you're feeling alone one night and when you log onto your favourite porn site to aliviate yourself you only find photos of an old rabbi... Hahahahahaaa, ok,ok,ok,ok, no more jokes, I promise. But imaging all those poor forty-years-old single judes who can't aliviate themselves anymore!! Hahahahahaha!!!!.... ok,ok,ok,ok,ok that was the last joke, I promise (once again).

Seriously, those fanatics worry me. I don't care if they are jews, muslims, christians or whatever. Individual freedom (freedom to do what the fuck we want, including surfing porn sites) is much more important than any religious cult. People shouldn't live according to what others believe. I respect religious people as long as they respect me. They can praise their gods, I can make my own decisions about watching porn. Or not to watch it. It's up to me.

By the way, I don't surf porn sites. Really. Not really often.

Friday, April 14, 2006

75th Anniversary of the Second Republic

Spain, April 14th of 1931.

The second republic is founded after years of militar rule. Rights are extended: women's vote, abortion, divorce. Representative democracy is guaranteed by the new Republican Constitution. Four years after that a Coup d'Etat leaded by General Franco abruptly ended that period of development for the country. Then it came forty, forty, forty long years of a grey militar-religious rule in which Spain was literally frozen. While all other european countries were reactivating their economies and recovering from World War II Spain remained poor and undeveloped. An ignorant, isolated, poor and in many ways miserable country that didn't wake up until the late 70's, when democracy was restored.

In memory of all of those who died fighting against franco. In memory of all of those who suffered forty years of tortures and political repression. We will never forget.


A Few Wise Words By Gabriel Aresti

Hiltzen naizenean egonen da
nire lauzaren gainean eskribu hau:
Hemen datza Gabriel Aresti Segurola. Goian bego.
Pérez y López. Marmolistas. Derio.
Bizkaiko Bibliotekan ere egonen da
(deskomekatzen ezpanaute),
liburu bat (behar-bada, ezta seguru),
inork letuko eztuena,
nire izenarekin. Eta
gizon batek esanen du kardanberak loratzen
Nire aitak esaten zuen bezala, nik ere. . .
(Andre bat etorriko zait Done Santuru oro
lore koroa batekin).
Jainkoak eztezala nahi Bilboko karrika bati
nire izenik eman dezaiotela.
(Eztut nahi bizargile hordi batek esan dezala:
Ni Arestin bizi naiz, anaiaren
koinatu nagusiarekin. Badakizu. Maingua.)
Batzutan esan zaharrak erratzen dira.
Pentsatzen dut nire izena
nire izana dela,
eta eznaizela ezer ezpada
nire izena.

Journalism Is A Hard Thing To Do

60 short journals to due in a couple of weeks. That's the amount of work I have to do to pass one of the courses I'm taking at school. Well, in the beginning I had a couple of months to do the job but I've been procrastinating and procrastinating and now I only have two weeks and half. But I'm doing pretty well: I've already written some 40% of the initial amount. And I've found good topics: I've decided to defend all the things everybody is against. So, in my papers I support nuclear energy, the Iraq invasion, I say NO to Kyoto protocol and so on. I have learnt a lot about all those issues. I wanted to offer alternative information, to show a binocular vision about some affairs that I have always analyzed from the genuine European point of view.

But it looks I've done it far too well. As I said before I didn't write my own pre-made opinions: I wanted to act as the devil's advocate. To create some polemic. That's an aspect of journalism too. All I wrote was 100% true, even though it was the uncomfortable side of truth for the so called ecologists (ha!) and hippies and such.

But the fact is that yesterday my prof wanted to talk to me.

Her first sentence was: "Are you a fascist or what?"

Crossing Prince Edward Island

I give up. No money, no trip. I'm so, so sorry Russell! Anyway we'll meet for San Fermin and I'll show you my country. But it's a pity because I really wanted to see you again. Here I post a photo of that day we spent at the Hot Springs in Idaho with Hitomi, Rieneke and Kattalina.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Looks Like I Am Becoming Negative

Mmm, I've become what I've been criticizing those last days: I am negative! All my last post are about complains: My boss, my computer, microsoft boycott to open source programs, fat people... Everything I've written down during the last three days is negative! What´s going on? I gotta change my mood. Or find better drugs. Or quite them.

The Bastard Of My Boss Has Installed Cams With Microphones In My Workplace Without My Consent.

The bastard of my boss (not my boss but the idiot whose father owns the entire business) has located cams with microphones -microphones!!- in my workplace without the staff's consent. The rumor is that he wants to make sure that we don't express in loud voice the thoughts everyone knows we keep towards him. I don't really understand his position. He has installed those micros because he knows we make funny comments on him, enit?

If he knows, what does he need the microphones for?

Well, after all his father has money enough to install a million microphones if he wants to.

Everybody Hates Fat People

They can be as cheerful as Santa. They can be genius like Hitchcock. They can be generous, clever, funny, but noone will ever like them.

Fat people always get marry with other fat people (unless they're rich - in this case they marry bitches and gigolos). You hope that there will not be a superfat guy sitting next to you in your 5h. flight from Salt Lake to Missoula. And you wish that this fat man sleeping two seats away in the Empire Builder-that train from Spokane to Chicago- stops snoring at once, because it's 4:00am and you've been in that train for two days and you're in a bad mood and you could suffocate him with the seat pillow.

Fat people cost money. The social security spend much more money in treatments for the thousand pathologies that obesity causes than in cancer research.

Fat people is egoist. While millions are starving in Africa, they eat like pigs everyday.

Fat people swindles the public transportation system: they use two seats for the price of one.

Fat people makes weird sounds when breathing.

Fat people always left you out of the elevator.

Fat people block your way on the sidewalk.

Definitely, fat people should be forced to do a regime, whether they like it or not. Mother, do it for your sons. Girls, don't allow your boys to gain weight. Teachers, steal the kids all those greasy meals they eat at lunch. Do it for them. Do it for you.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

"God hates fat people".
posted by The Highest Power at 4:52 PM 0 comments

k-1 2005 dynamite!!

When Pablo went to Japan I asked him to do me a favour: I wanted him to record the 2005 k-1 Dynamite!! for me. So he did it. He bought a japanese videotape and put it in a japanese video recorder and sintonized a japanese TV channel and recorded the japanese fighting competition for me. It was so kind of him!! Then he came back to his house in iruña and I waited for him to send me the videotape. But he wanted something in return (he actually blackmailed me!): my dvd's of saint seiya. I agreed with him that I'd sent him the dvd and so he'd sent me the japanese videotape. But I am lazy and I didn't send anything... and so he didn't.

But I was anxious! I wanted to watch MY videotape! I waited for three long months until he gave up and sent it to me for free.


Of course, as usual, they lost the package. Noone knew where the heck it could be. Maybe in Nepal, or in New Zealand, or maybe still in iruña´s post office. So I went several times to the post office in murcia to claim for it. Pablo also went to the post office in Iruña. We made a thousand phone calls to the national postal service headquarters in madrid... But noone offered us a solution. The package was lost and that is the way it was.

But, unexpectedly, eight weeks after that the package arrived to my home. "we're sorry, we know it has arrived far later than it should but finally here is it".

I was sweating. I run upstairs while unwrapping the package. I literally threw the videotape inside the video player and push the play button...

The funny thing after all is that japanese video tapes seem not to be compatible with european video players. Or maybe pablo doesn't know how to recognise the REC button if its marked with japanese characters. Maybe the magnetic bands were erased during the flight back... BUT THE FACT IS THAT I JUST CAN'T PLAY THE BLOODY VIDEOTAPE. RATS!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What Are You Doing For Springbreak?

"Eat food and play guitar and pick up chiks."

Monday, April 10, 2006

Is That a Joke or What?

C´mon, as soon as I talk about microsoft and mozilla my computer seems to go crazy. The theory of the boycott is more likely to be true second after second... (music of mistery).... C'mon! Let it be! I like my blog! Allow me to keep on writing!

The Solution To a Mistery Leads Me To Another Mistery

Ok, that's what's going on: I can publish posts when I use internet explorer but I can't publish anything when using mozilla as my internet browser. Also, my join mozilla button has "migrated" from the sidebar to the bottom of my blog. What the hell is that? I have two different theories:

THEORY ONE: I know nothing about informatics so there is no way I can do something properly with a computer. Honestly, I suck.
---This theory fails because it doesn't explain why the blog works properly with ie but not with mozilla. Also it doesn't explain why the join mozilla button has flown away from its original place---

THEORY TWO: This is part of the great boycott that microsoft carries out against freeware such as mozilla, linux and stuff like that.
---This second thory would explain everything... but not the fact that during those previous days I worked with mozilla and everything went right. Plus I am an anti-conspiracy theories guy---



What Da XXXX Is Going On?

During those last days I've been having many issues with blogger... I've tried to edit some old posts and change my profile, but I can't publish the changes. I don't even know if this post will appear in the blog! I hope that those are only temporary blogger technical problems... or maybe there is a virus in my computer, or something. I hope everything will go fine with the next posts.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Everything Goes Fine.

I've been surfin' from one blog to another once again. It's a little bit freaky, but I enjoy it. I've found out something I already suspected: Most people use blogs to complain about their shitty lives or to express whatever they hate (the superb What God Hates is a great example - o shit, this blog is so fucking original). Sentences like "it's been hell for week", "I can´t tell her how much I love her", "Fucking democrats, neocons, atheist, religious" are the most common thing to find in most blogs.

Then I re-read my blog.

Everything seems to be fine to me (except this little thing about the SGAE - RIAA)

I am not a person who always looks at the bright side of life. I know that little babies starve in Africa. I know that people die violently every single day in Iraq. I know that most things in this world are fucked up. But I am not a fucking nihilist. I don't like those things and so I try to change them (or at least not to do things that would make the situation worse). It's a much better option that of complaining about everything.

To all of those who are so worried about the ongoing of their lives: noone can be as naïve, optimistic and cheerful as Reese Whiterspoon in "Legally Blonde" but fellas don't be as negative as Kurt Cobain. You can't change the whole world so you'd better start learning how to live with it.

And by the way, do something with your lives!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I'll write that both in english and spanish to make sure everybody understand: PUTA SGAE DE LOS COJONES!!!; FUCK THE RIAA!!!

I support P2P programs. I'll do even after the day of their ilegalization. Those bastards magnates of the music industry (who like to call themselves artist even though they are not) are once again making noise against free distribution of music and movies. Why the fuck do they want to limitate the access to culture? Do they think that culture is something that only deserve those who can pay for it?

To all those bussiness men and women who consider art as a merchancy to traffic with:


*Ramoncín, esto va por tí. Cada vez que compro un cd virgen para grabar cualquier trabajo de la universidad y tengo que pagar el puto canon de la SGAE me acuerdo de tus muertos, y de los de tu padre, y de los de tu madre... Yo usaría disquettes, pero resulta que mi portátil sólo graba discos. Así revientes. cerdo.

I Did It!!! *informatics can be learnt.

I have finally been able to do something related to informatics. It is not a very hard thing to do nor a really big deal but I did it myself. Now my blog has a join firefox button. I was so brave dealing with the template settings. So, so brave cutting and pasting long lists of commands I don't understand even now. So indulgent with myself when I found that the button wasn't specially well located... but it's ok like that. Noone taught me how to use a computer, but I feel I'm doing pretty well.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I Wonder If That Is A Classic Haiku Or The Directions For Cooking Instant Ramen Soup.

 五七五で表される俳句はその小さな体の中に大きな宇宙を持っています。そして花鳥風月の運行を諷詠することで人間の存在を自然との関わり合い において再認識させてくれます。
 それは万葉集にはじまる長歌、短歌などの流れから生まれた連歌を俳諧の連句として確立させ、やがてその頭にある発句を独立させ現代の俳句とい う形式を作り出してきたということです。

40 Days Left!

Finally Russell emailed me back. The trip across prince edward's island will take place during the third or fourth week of may. Today is April 3rd and I only have around 160€!!! I need much more money if I want to go! What the fuck am I gonna do? I have to find a second part time job, or talk to my boss. Durig the next weeks I'll write a few reports to inform about my financial status (well, who the hell cares anyway). Let's see if I can get the money...