Because this is a wonderful world full of assholes who never ever stop complaining.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Don't you hate being short?

I do.

I mean, it doesn't trouble me too much but it's friggin difficult to find a damn clothing item of my size besides school uniforms.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fat Guys

Don't you hate fat guys?

I know I change my mind about this issue pretty often but today I do.

They always pass all subjects. Why? I mean, if a guy fails in maths everybody tells him to watch less television and study algebra a couple of hours per week. But if a fucking fat guy fails in sports class nothing happens at all: he'll pass just because he is a damn poor fat guy who just can't climb the rope. Nobody will order him to eat less crap and go running a couple of hours per week. No, I don't feel pity for him, I don't care how clever he is: he must fail for he has no fucking idea about taking care of himself. Even if he's clever enough to find a cure for AIDS and help the whole human kind nobody will get a damn benefit if he dies from a heart attack at the age of 24, or if he gets so fat he just can't get out of bed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Don't you hate candy?

I do.

No, wait, I love it. Bittersweet jelly melon... I just can't stop eating. Down with the damn diet: if I am to put on some weight, who am I to fight destiny?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Finno Spanish Beverage

Don't you hate the fusion of different cultures?

I do.

Vodka & wine? That was the meanest thing I've tried in a long long time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Blog Is Just A Blog

Don't you hate blogs which are better than yours?

I Do.

I hate you all. Stop thinking and start posting crap.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Don't you hate being told "During your last visit I noticed you've earned a few good pounds. People often use food to fight anxiety, like aunt Theo. Have you had any issues with some gu... grrl... boirlfrn... someone lately?"

I do hate it.

I swear, mother, your paranoia knows no bounds.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ass Kicked

Don't you hate being asskicked?

I do.

In Finland, Sweden and Canada they have socialized it. Asskicking I mean. They call it hockey. Yikes.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rednecks Rule

Don´t you hate being despectively told that you look like a redneck?

I do.

I know I look like a redneck. It's an intended thing: I choose my clothes every morning and it's me who leaves the sideburns untouched everytime I shave. And please, quit calling me Earl.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Don't you hate parisians?

I do.

I wish you were all dead, fucking egocentric arrogant self-important deadly attractive bastards.